We understand that travel is a privilege, so we try to create a positive impact in every destination we visit. Travel comes with responsibilities. That’s why we’re determined to travel sustainably and consciously, and that’s why we’re willing to take a stand on issues closest to our hearts. It is our commitment to protect people, wildlife, and the incredible planet we all share.

We'll plant 1 tree on your behalf when you make a booking with us!
We've partnered with local Reforestation Projects who hire local villagers to plant trees in Tamil Nadu & parts of Karnataka. The initiative is helping replant forests, restore animal habitats and reduce poverty and we are proud to support them with your help.

To help reduce single-use plastics and promote reusable alternatives, we plan to provide Co-TravelIn branded bottles on all our trips. We advise all our travellers to bring a reusable water bottle when they travel.

Beach cleanups are a regular occurrence on some of our trips. Just like you, we want to protect our ocean waterways and marine life, so you'll often find us and our awesome travelers collecting rubbish as we go.

Its about choosing to respect and benefit the local people, their cultures and the environment. While it's up to all of us to be conscientious globetrotting individuals, Co-TravelIn makes it easier by building travel fundamentals into each and every one of our trips. When you hit the road with us, you leave lighter footprints, invest your money in local communities, show respect to different cultures and traditions, and experience genuine connections with the people you meet along the way
Before leaving home learn as much as possible about the countries you are visiting - the language, religion and culture, the local rules and values.
Learn what's appropriate behavior and body any language.
Support locally owned business, hotels, restaurants and other services. Eat local food and drink local brands and brews. Use public transport, hire a bike or walk where convenient - you'll meet local people and get to know the places.
Shop from traditional artisans and for locally made products, helping keep traditional crafts and favor local products over imported items, Bargain if that is a local practice, but bear in mind that a small amount to you could be extremely important to the sellers.
Dress respectfully with an awareness of local standards. Dress modestly at religious places and check what swim wear is suitable for pools and beaches.
Always ask first before photographing locals.
Leave only footprints...take care of the environment as you would your own home. Take out all your take in, to areas away from the cities. use alternatives to plastic and say 'No' to plastic bags. For cigarette butts, an empty film container makes a perfect portable container.